Athena also got the global ultteleport back to solo so you can 4 man gank in duo lane without losing pressure in solo. You will do well to pick up one of these characters and set yourself up for decent team and solo plays.
Cloth5 Foxdrop S Solo Queue Jungle Tier List Patch 3 10
Smite tier list solo lane. Hyperbole aside the solo lane does live up to its name in that it is by and large the most isolated and single player dependent role in smite. All the top picks you should be playing in casuals and ranked. Smite season 7 tier list steamroll through the ranks. The solo lane in smite is a dark lonely place whose isolation is surpassed only by likes of the dreaded friendzone. This is especially true in the solo lane as youll need to counter build both the enemy laner and the enemy team with your defensive items but still getting the stats you need most. A list of all smite gods listed in tiers so you know who is the strongest god in smite.
However theyre better off playing other roles. The godsgoddesses here do have high cc and great peel however they have low clear low tower push easy to gank via the jungler or is a very easy time to lane against which leads to a snowballing lead by the enemy team. However an important part of smite is building items based on what you need in a match rather than getting the same items every game a cookie cutter build. Smite duration. The godsgoddesses in this tier can play solo lane and execute it right if played correctly. Ymirathena are the only guardians with strong enough clear to contest buffs early and make some pressure in the enemy jungle.
So the tier list would look like this.